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NAPRA NEWS: Aaron Newell Wins Wade War X !!
"Finally!" was all Aaron Newell could say as he wanted this one so bad and he got his wish. The Wade War, present by DuBro Fishing, Pradco Outdoor Brands, Big Hammer Lures, and Breezy Bombers, was held in Covington, Ohio. This was the same site of our first mega event, the Super Wade in 2012. Great memories!
Speaking of memories, Aaron's 77.75" beat runner up Shaun Gardner by 7". Bryan Newell was third with 65.25".
Final Results
1st Aaron Newell 77.75
2nd Shaun Gardner 70.75
3rd Bryan Newell 65.25
4th Dave Schaller 61.25
5th Dave Craig 54.25
6th Cole Ward 54.25
7th Pete Ziehler 50
8th PJ Varnadoe 49.75
9th Randall Duff 46.5
10th Ryan Buckler 0
"Finally!" was all Aaron Newell could say as he wanted this one so bad and he got his wish. The Wade War, present by DuBro Fishing, Pradco Outdoor Brands, Big Hammer Lures, and Breezy Bombers, was held in Covington, Ohio. This was the same site of our first mega event, the Super Wade in 2012. Great memories!
Speaking of memories, Aaron's 77.75" beat runner up Shaun Gardner by 7". Bryan Newell was third with 65.25".
Final Results
1st Aaron Newell 77.75
2nd Shaun Gardner 70.75
3rd Bryan Newell 65.25
4th Dave Schaller 61.25
5th Dave Craig 54.25
6th Cole Ward 54.25
7th Pete Ziehler 50
8th PJ Varnadoe 49.75
9th Randall Duff 46.5
10th Ryan Buckler 0